Once-Only Conference - providing data once-only

  • Anett Schliebner profile
    Anett Schliebner
    17 July 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Monday, 24 September, 2018 - 12:00 to Tuesday, 25 September, 2018 - 13:00
The Austrian Federal Computing Centre
Hintere Zollamtsstraße 4
1030 Vienna
Register URL: 
Once-Only Conference

Reduce bureaucratic burden for citizens in the EU!


Today, citizens who are moving to another country still need to bring tons of paper-based documents with them to certify their degrees or to re-register their car – although the information is already in the system in their country of origin. The once-only principle focuses on the reduction of administrative burden as citizens have to provide information only once. Find out more about the principle at the Once-Only Principle for Europe Conference in Vienna on 24th and 25th September 2018, organised by the projects TOOP (The Once-Only-Principle Project) and SCOOP4C (Stakeholder community once-only principle for citizens).

The EU research project SCOOP4C analyses how public services for citizens using once-only could be implemented at a cross-border level between European member states and beyond. The IT architecture for making once only real is being developed by the sister project TOOP.

For more information about both projects, look at: www.scoop4c.eu and www.toop.eu.

The conference will present recent achievements of the projects and explain the implementation of the principle.

The event will host speakers from European Commission, experts from TOOP and SCOOP4C projects as well as a range of stakeholders, including representatives of the countries, which are already working on the initial implementation of the OOP. During the first day of the conference, SCOOP4C and TOOP will present the main achievements of the projects; conference participants will be able to participate in a world cafe session and discuss the most relevant topics concerning the impact of the OOP on the Digital Single Market.

The second day will focus on high-level discussions of the OOP environment in the European Union. Relations to the Single Digital Gateway Regulation and the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation will be discussed. A number of case studies of OOP implementation within and outside of the EU will also be presented, followed by a panel discussion on the impact of OOP in the EU.

Register for the conference today! Visit: www.toop.eu/conference