Worldwide e-Commerce Round Table

  • Marlene ten Ham profile
    Marlene ten Ham
    27 April 2015 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Sunday, 7 June, 2015 - 12:00 to 23:00

Previous to the Annual Conference and the Global Ecommerce Summit, Ecommerce Europe hosts a special edition of the Round Tables. On June 7, National Associations from all over the world will come together in Hotel Arts, Barcelona, to discuss global e-commerce during the Worldwide E-commerce Round Table.

Are you employed within a national (e-commerce) association, interested in global e-commerce and do you want to broaden both your knowledge and your network? Don't miss out on the Worldwide E-commerce Round Table. You can sign up by sending an e-mail to before May 1.