Challenges for Artificial Intelligence’s sustainability

  • Richard Benjamins profile
    Richard Benjamins
    27 June 2018
    Total votes: 0


I wrote a short white paper on the challenges for AI to be sustainable from a societal and ethical perspective. You can read it here. Comments, discussion and pointers to relevant initiatives will be much appreciated. 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the rise. There are so many innovative applications of AI that everybody is speaking about it. It improves the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, improves customer experience, creates new business, improves education, predicts how contagious diseases propagate and optimizes the management of humanitarian catastrophes, to name just a few.

However, with all those opportunities also comes great responsibility to ensure good and fair practice of AI.  We identified six societal and ethical challenges for Artificial Intelligence that should be dealt with before AI is massively applied. The challenges include 1) Non-desired effects, 2) Liability, 3) Unknown consequences, 4) Relation people-robots, 5) Concentration of power and wealth, 6) Intentional bad uses. Not treating those issues will lead to uncertainty and unforeseen consequences with potentially large negative societal impact.

Solution directions are discussed for dealing with the identified challenges.
