Border information services - Grensinfopunten

  • Marianne VAN DE... profile
    Marianne VAN DE...
    20 April 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 6


The Grensinfopunt is a network of information services providing individual counselling to employers, employees, trainees, students and pensioners. The general website of the Grensinfopunten also provides a job finder function for vacancies on both sides of the border.


Dutch- German-Belgian border region


In eight different info-point offices, counsellors provide advice in Dutch or German its citizens and businesses. If necessary, the desks do connect the citizen to more specialised organisations in their network. The Grensinfopoints are funded via national, local and/or European funds.




Providing independent and easily accessible information services for border citizens in the German-Dutch-Belgian border area.

Do you want to have a look at their webpage? Check it here.