Consultation on Work Programme 2018-2020 - INFRAEOSC-03-2020

  • Georgia Tzenou profile
    Georgia Tzenou
    9 March 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 11

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), presented in the Communication on European Cloud Initiative - Building a competitive data and knowledge economy in Europe, as a part of the Digital Single Market Strategy, aims to give Europe a global lead in scientific data infrastructures and ensure that European scientists reap the full benefits of data-driven science. EOSC will operate as a trusted, open environment for the scientific community for storing, sharing and re-using scientific data and results, supported by high-capacity cloud solutions with super-computing capacity via a European Data Infrastructure. 

Horizon 2020 supports the implementation of the EOSC through Work Programmes 2016-2017 & 2018-2020. Some relevant topics include: 

  • European Open Science Cloud for Research (INFRADEV-04-2016); 

  • Developing EOSC, as a secure, permanent, on-demand service-driven, privacy-compliant and sustainable environment integrating/federating e-infrastructure platforms, distributed databases, computing resources and software (EINFRA-12-2017);

  • Prototyping innovative e-infrastructure platforms and services for universal discoverability of data objects and provenance, and computing with extreme large datasets (EINFRA-21-2017);
  • Providing access to commercial services through the EOSC hub, based on the aggregated demand of the scientific community, achieving efficiency and economies of scale (INFRAEOSC-01-2018); 
  • Prototyping new innovative services that address relevant aspects of the research data cycle (INFRAEOSC-02-2019).

In order to finalise the last EOSC-related topic of Work Programme 2018-2020 - INFRAEOSC-03-2020, it is important to identify which activities should Horizon 2020 fund during the period 2020-2023 to consolidate and further develop the results achieved through previous topics.   

The deadline for this consultation is extended to 6 April 2018.

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