Call for pilot projects - more info available

  • Paulius Narvydas profile
    Paulius Narvydas
    22 January 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1

On 16th January 2018 Mr. Guillermo-Ramirez, representing the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), in Copenhagen held a presentation on the upcoming call for pilot projects. AEBR is launching the call for pilot projects on 1st February 2018. The website of the call will be There are three categories of applicants who can apply: (1)  public body (national, regional, local) involving at least a co-applicant from the "other side(s)" of the border, (2) Cross-border entities (EGTCs, Euroregions and similar CB structures with legal personality) (3) Affiliated entities of any nature can also be included in applicants’ consortia

Want to know more about Mr. Guillermo-Ramirez's presentation? You can find it here.
