• Caterina Esempio profile
    Caterina Esempio
    10 January 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1


The EGTC GO (GECT GO/EZTS GO) set a strategic territorial plan to revitalise the area covered by the Nova Gorica, Gorizia and Šempeter Vrtojba which, despite the border, is actually a unique territory.


The EGTC GO (GECT GO/EZTS GO) is established among the three municipalities of Nova Gorica, Gorizia and Šempeter Vrtojba with the objective of responding to the common challenges of the area, which, despite the border, is actually a unique territory. The EGTC GO is currently dealing with the implementation and management of two pilot projects financed under the Interreg programme Italy-Slovenia as part of the ITI (Integrated territorial instrument) approach chosen by the programme. This is also the only example of ITI at cross-border level within the whole Interreg world.


Municipalities of Nova Gorica, Gorizia and Šempeter Vrtojba on the Italy-Slovenia border.


The establishment of an EGTC (GECT GO/EZTS GO), in February 2011, responded to the assumption that only genuine joint operations, allowing the whole cross-border area, among the municipalities of Nova Gorica, Gorizia and Šempeter Vrtojba, to act without the limitations imposed by the border, could produce a positive impact on that area. The work of the EGTC culminated in November 2013 with the approval by its Assembly of a strategic plan selecting pilot measures aiming at revitalising its territory through integrated investments.

The EGTC GO territorial plan converged in the Interreg programme Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 which opted for the ITI (Integrated Territorial Instrument) as an instrument for the implementation of the territorial development strategy of the municipalities comprised in the EGTC GO area. The combination of EGTC and ITI tools was therefore the natural consequence to achieve the desired impact in the area through the planned integrated investments.  


The EGTC GO territorial plan identified interventions to tackle the common future challenges of the area through the achievement of a joint economic and social growth. Two of the pilot actions identified by the EGTC GO in its strategic plan were financed by the Interreg programme Italy-Slovenia as part of the ITI:

  • Project "ISONZO-SOČA": aimed at the valorization of the river Isonzo/Soča through sustainable tourism, environmental protection and green growth. The project will develop an integrated cross-border network of cycling and walking paths to establish the first urban cross-border park to increase sustainable mobility in the urban area and to attract tourists with a sustainable impact on the economy of the whole urban territory.
  • Project "HEALTH": aimed at building a network of integrated services providing a joint use of the healthcare services in the EGTC GO area in view of the implementation of the Directive 2011/24/EU. At the moment, Italian and Slovenian informative systems are not connected making it difficult for citizens to get information about health services in EGTC GO area. Thanks to this pilot action, a new IT network will be created, providing the opportunity for a wider range of healthcare services at cross-border level.

Both projects are currently ongoing and should be completed by 2020.

More information is available here.