Upcoming call for Pilot Projects

  • Ricardo FERREIRA profile
    Ricardo FERREIRA
    9 January 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1

The Commission will launch, in early February, an open call for Pilot Projects. The call for proposals will remain open for 3 months. It will target public authorities wishing to resolve one or more border-specific legal or administrative problems. Projects could for example be focused on improving compatibility of administrative systems, facilitating labour mobility through enhanced opportunities for qualification recognition or ensuring harmonisation of legal standards.

These projects will be summarised in a final compendium that will be widely distributed and used to foster greater awareness and capacity among key players.

The call will be open to any public body willing to engage in identifying solutions to border issues within their area of competence. The action is implemented through a grant agreement between the European Commission and the Association of European Border Regions. "B-solutions" will last for 2 years and its core objective will be the implementation of up to 20 pilot projects of limited financial size selected according to their high demonstration value and level of replicability.

Do keep attentive. Further news will be disseminated through this platform