Citizen awards and utilizing data of European Open Data Portal for the common good

  • Babis Ipektsidis profile
    Babis Ipektsidis
    1 December 2017
    Total votes: 0

One of the main issues identified is that cities all over the world use various formats of data and so their compatibility is not always provided. If data are open and easy to find we will be also able to promote the Digital Social innovation concept that leads to new applications on the following sectors

  • Education and skills
  • Participation and democracy
  • Culture and arts
  • Work and employment
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Finance and economy
  • Neighbourhood regeneration
  • Science
  • Energy and environment
  • Others

Our proposal is that in a set timeframe it would be interesting to organise innovation contests where data from the European Open Data portal would be utilised. Needless, to say that a number of such events already exist locally. Thus, rather than adding to the number of events already being run locally, it would perhaps be more valuable to help co-ordinate these across Europe, with local winners being able to compete in a ‘Champions League’ style European innovation award. This would build on existing work but provide an attractive incentive to participate locally, with the prospect of local winners advancing into a pan-European competition.

These winners then could be funded by crowd-funding mechanisms or even philanthropies so as to create their own startups. At the same time they should also receive help from mentors from the business sector on how to create a business plan as also other business advises.