**Agenda for the INFO SESSION on ICT-24 and ICT-31, 7 December 2017 is online NOW**

  • Nicole Muessigmann profile
    Nicole Muessigmann
    30 November 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
European Commission
Year of publication: 

The Next Generation Internet (NGI) information session focuses on 2 calls:

  • The NGI Open Internet Initiative (objective ICT-24-2018: 3 Research & Innovation (R&I) Actions; EUR 21 Million; 2-3 years; 1 R&I project per topic: Privacy and trust enhancing technologies, Decentralized data governance, Discovery and identification technologies; supported by 3 Coordination and support actions (CSAs); EUR 7 million))
  • The EU-US collaboration on NGI (objective ICT-31-2018; 2 CSAs (EUR 2.5 Million; 3 years; CSA 1: Organise & other support activities; CSA2: A Fellowship programme).

The calls of the 2 obejctives open on 31 October 2017.Submission deadline for proposals is 17 April 2017.

More information about these calls, possible proposers etc. you currently find on our webpage for the ICT Proposers' Day 2017, which took place 9-10 Nov 2017 in Budapest.

A web-based info session for ICT-24 and ICT-31 will take place on 7 December 2017 at 14:00. The session will only be web-streamed, i.e you can follow it from your PC, no need to travel anywhere.

If you want to participate, please send us a message.