Digitising European Industry: taking stock 18 months after the launch of the initiative

  • Lorena Riveiro ... profile
    Lorena Riveiro ...
    15 November 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 5

To unlock the full potential of the 4th industrial revolution, Europe needs to join forces under a common strategy that takes digitisation of the EU's economy forward.

With this objective, the European Commission launched the Digitising European Industry initiative (DEI) in April 2016. The aim is to reinforce the EU’s competitiveness in digital technologies and ensure that every business in Europe ― whichever the sector, wherever the location, whatever the size ― can draw the full benefits from digital innovation.

After 18 months of its launch, we take stock of the progress made towards the implementation of the DEI initiative, which is a key element of the Digital Single Market strategy outlined by the European Commission.

You can have a look at the brochure here.