Proposal for the reform of the regulation of digital services

  • Vianney Hennes profile
    Vianney Hennes
    18 March 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Luisa Rossi
Year of publication: 

The internet offers an ever richer choice of digital services delivered via telecommunication networks that are overall of great benefit to consumers in terms of choice, but that require the updating of the current legal framework to ensure effective customer protection and to preserve the public interest, especially concerning such transverse issues as transparency, non-discrimination, security and privacy.

Reforms described in this paper start from the redefinition of the current regulatory categories of “Information Society Services” and of “Electronic Communications Services” which have become obsolete and then redesign the obligations associated with these categories such as transparency and non-discrimination, security, privacy, data retention, emergency services, interoperability, portability, etc.