Open Call for Tenders - Algorithmic Awareness Building study

  • Luis Eduardo MA... profile
    Luis Eduardo MA...
    18 July 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1

We wanted to draw your attention to the publication of the open call for tenders for the Algorithmic Awareness Building study this Saturday. The call will stay open until mid-September and we aim at starting the contract still this autumn.

This comes in response to a call from the European Parliament through the pilot projects proposals and should feed into our broader work on online platforms, but is certainly of interest to your work as well. The study should be based on a broad engagement strategy mostly externally but also within the Commission and Parliament.

The study provides for a policy design process to convey an in-depth, policy-relevant analysis of the role of algorithms and in particular how they shape, filter or personalise the information flows that they intermediate. The study addresses a 3-fold objective: (1) contributes to a wider, shared understanding of the role of algorithms in the context of online platforms, while raising public awareness and debate of emerging issues; (2) identifies and delineates the types of problems and emerging issues raised by the use of algorithms, and establishes an initial, scientific evidence-base for these problems; (3) designs or prototypes solutions for a selection of problems, including policy options, technical solutions and private sector and civil society-driven actions. The study follows an open, participatory approach to state-of-the-art policy design, involving a wide range of actors building on existing and emerging global communities active in this field.