What do you think about the list of societal and public sector needs identified in the SONNETS project?

  • Nuria Rodriguez profile
    Nuria Rodriguez
    18 July 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0

To better address the needs in the current societal context, it is imperative that the needs emerge through the interactions with the various stakeholders in the society. Thus, SONNETS approach aims at eliciting societal needs and trends through an active engagement with the societal actors: stakeholders external to the public sector (citizens and businesses) as well as internal ones (civil servants).
During the project lifecycle, the SONNETS consortium has conducted a detailed investigation of the needs of each stakeholder associated with the public sector and then identified the specific innovation requirements and actions that public sector could implement to adequately meet those needs.

As a result of this analysis, a list of 58 needs has been produced, from which 28 ones demonstrated to be the most signficant among the stakeholders:



Please, help us to validate these results and share with us your opinion!

  • What two needs do you consider a priority?
  • For each of the selected needs, what is in your opinion a potential barrier in addressing the need?
  • For each of the selected needs, what is in your opinion an important success factor in addressing the need?
  • Is there a highly relevant need not present in the list above that you would like to suggest