Internet of Humans - How we would like the internet of the future to be

  • Nicole Muessigmann profile
    Nicole Muessigmann
    3 July 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1
European Commission
Year of publication: 

Bruno Kessler Lecture by Roberto Viola, Director-General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology at the European Commission:

"What lies ahead of us? 

In my vision of the Next Generation Internet, research has to lead technology development but it has also an important role in identifying emerging issues that will steer the policy debate. In the remaining of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme we proposed under the Next Generation Internet umbrella a set of technology areas that will drive the developments towards a more human-centric Internet: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, interactive technologies, future media and social networks, as well as language technologies and inclusion.

But more important than my vision, we need the collective vision and engagement of all stakeholders to create the Next Generation Internet. We need to gather and discuss ideas concerning concepts, technologies and applications coming from the largest possible community. We need to work together to build a future Internet that better responds to the expectations of the citizens."

"I encourage all of you to participate in the discussions and actively contribute to shape the Internet in a way that responds to your values and expectations."

Read the whole lecture here.