Welcome Address of Commissioner Carlos Moedas at the Next Generation Internet Summit - From the Internet of Things to the Internet of Humans

  • Nicole Muessigmann profile
    Nicole Muessigmann
    12 June 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
European Commission
Year of publication: 

"From the Internet of Things to the Internet of Humans"

"And now we're just at the tipping point of a new wave. We're at a point where we will merge the digital and the physical world. Where the internet won't just be a tool. It's becoming a part of our daily lives as never before. The internet is entering the highly regulated areas like health, education, energy, food, water or manufacturing.       

This is where we are. And it's going to have such a huge effect on our lives.

  • It will change the way we work
  • And it will change the way govern
  • It will fundamentally change the way we think"

"Let me finish with the words of Mark Zuckerberg: 'Every generation has its defining works. More than 300,000 people worked to put a man on the moon – including that janitor. Millions of volunteers immunized children around the world against polio. These projects didn’t just provide purpose for the people doing those jobs, they gave our whole country a sense of pride that we could do great things.'"

Read the whole welcome address here.