Report on WeGovNow

  • Jurate Imbrasaite profile
    Jurate Imbrasaite
    27 March 2017
    Total votes: 2
Recommendations concerning on-going and future work: 

The WeGovNow focuses on “the integration of different technology components into a new type of civic engagement online platform in order to enable new forms of citizen-government relationship towards more collaborative practices“ (D5.1, p.5). The project has an excellent idea and a potential to improve public services as well as trust to local government.
The conceptual and methodological framework (D1.1 and D1.2) of the project as well as other derivables are very good and informative. However, the relationship between the objectives of the project and its impacts is not always properly indicated.
It is not clear how the engagement strategy aimed at identifying and involving representatives from local government as well as citizens and local enterprises are going to be implemented. What are the most important obstacles to stakeholders engagement? How will the project sustain participation of stakeholders during implementation phase on each trial site?
The most important thing - it is not clear how the innovative platform will be used after the end of the project. A proper plan of exploitation after funding has run out should be written.