A Human Perspective for the Next Generation Internet - The Digital Social Innovation Manifesto

  • Monique Calisti profile
    Monique Calisti
    25 March 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The more the Internet of the Future will pervade our everyday life and interact with us in ways we cannot predict as of today, the more we will need to understand and reshape economic and societal behaviours. A core challenge we have therefore to face is to shape the Internet of the Future by making sure it will be an Internet tailored to humans, an Internet for all citizens. Europe aims to be an active player in this venture. This is why we believe the Digital Social Innovation Manifesto initiative represent a unique opportunity for the Next Generation Internet community.


DSI Manifesto


Innovation in the Digital Society

The unprecedented hyper connectivity enabled by digital technologies and the Internet are rapidly changing the opportunities we have to address some of the society’s biggest challenges reducing inequalities, fostering inclusion, and putting in place sustainable economic models.

However, to make the most of this opportunity we need to move away from the current centralization of power by a small number of large tech companies and enable a much broader group of people and organisations to develop and share innovative digital solutions.

Across Europe, a growing movement of people is exploring opportunities for Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation, CAPS, developing bottom-up solutions leveraging on participation, collaboration, decentralization, openness, multi-disciplinarity. But still at a relatively small scale, because of the little public and private investment in Digital Social Innovation, DSI, the limited experience in large-scale take-up of collective solutions, and the relative lack of skills of DSI actors (civil society) compared to commercial companies.

About the DSI Manifesto

The Digital Social Innovation Manifesto aims at fostering civic participation into democratic and social processes, increasing societal resilience and mutual trust as core element of the Digital Society. It provides recommendations for policy makers, to drive the development of the European Digital Single Market to fulfill first and foremost societal and sustainability challenges (rather than short-lived economic interests), with the help and engagement of all citizens.

How can you contribute?

Participate to the DSI Manifesto open consultation and join us in Rimini (Italy) on the 23rd May 2017 at the DSI Manifesto workshop.
