ICT-41 info session

  • Johanna Schepers profile
    Johanna Schepers
    31 January 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 4
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 7 March, 2017 - 14:30 to 16:00
Register URL: 
Join the session

After the successful first ICT-41 info session that took place on 25 January 2017, we are offering a second one on 7 March 2017 at 14:30 CET. The session will only be web-streamed, i.e you can follow it from your PC, no need to travel anywhere. If you want to participate, please send us a message.

For your information and preparation, we have put all material from the first event online.

The call for support actions (objective ICT-41-2017) for the Next Generation Internet Initiative has been launched in December 2016. The total budget for this call is 2 Million EUR, submission deadline for proposals is 25 April 2017.


14:30 Introduction: The NGI initiative, idea behind and long term perspective

Peter Fatelnig, Deputy Head of Unit E3: Next Generation Internet

15:00 ICT-41-2017: Objectives of the call and practicalities + Q&A

Johanna Schepers, Project Officer, Unit E3: Next Generation Internet

15:20 Presentation of the IDEALIST Network of National Contact Points

Kim Davis, IDEALIST Project

15:30 Proposers' time: presenting project ideas and looking for potential consortium members

Please inform us by 3 March 2017 if you would like to present your idea.

16:00    End of the Info Session

To recap, these are the three objectives of the call:

  1. Identification of research topics: Design, build and apply a methodology to identify continuously those key future technologies that will support an Internet model more open and more inclusive in 10 years from now.
  2. Dynamic and continuous consultation: Build an open, dynamic and continuous consultation process which engages all relevant stakeholders in a long-term and multi-disciplinary fashion.
  3. A programme shape for of a Next Generation Internet initiative: This initiative will mobilise the best researchers and focus on a continuous scouting of developments with the potential to change the way the Internet is operated, often by an opportunistic and multidisciplinary combination of advances.

For more information please check the Work Programme text and the Research Participant Portal.