Thank you to the 449!

  • David Overton profile
    David Overton
    10 January 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

We're very pleased that so many people chose to be involved in the consultation; answering the questionnaire, blogging on the site, sharing videos, attending specifically prepared events and sharing views.

We're really encouraged by the passion and conviction behind some of the responses received, many of which have been reported already in the blogs and the interim reports.

The consultation closed last night.  449 responses were received and this week I will be analysing the results for a final report this month. This will help shape the 2018 calls based upon your input.  To stay up to date on progress, look out for the announcements via your social networks and the mailings from the Futurium.

From all the team, thank you very much for your views and, most of all, for contributing towards the Next Generation of the Internet!
