Immersive Media, a cross cutting issue

  • Miguel Montarelo profile
    Miguel Montarelo
    22 November 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

What will the next generation of social media be? How will the interaction of people with objects and between objects be properly considered? What will be the role of wearables? And what about the interaction with feelings and senses? How will future social networks handle these constant multi-dimension interactions? And, importantly, just how will this help to achieve a less fragmented Europe and result in stronger European innovation?

VR, AR, 3D, IoT, transmedia, crossmedia… it's a whole new branch of vocabulary, a new language! How will all of them impact storytelling?

How will the capture, production, discovery, delivery and the experience of content evolve? Will the peer-to-peer and social components be preeminent?

How far will automatic translation and avatars  - talking symbol language - take us toward ensuring access to content for everybody?

So many difficult questions! But indeed immersive media and immersive environments will cross-fertilise, thanks to IoT (Internet of Things), virtual and augmented reality, 3D, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud, next generation internet, 5G, HPC, block chain etc.

What will be the devices of the future? Will the content react in real time to the user's commands and wishes?  Will the content synchronise with sensations and sentiments? What will the media rights models be to fostering innovation and creativity? Who will produce the content? Will transversal thinkers like artists help pave the way for novel ideas on how to create and use immersive environments?

How will we discover what we want in an ocean of content?

What will be the mix between broadcasting and broadband delivery? What new requisites does the next generation internet need to provide for immersive media? In this hyper-personalised immersive media, what will be the role of broadcasting? What will be the role of the cloud and HPC for a free view point high definition content service? Will the future 5G infrastructure support massive mobile live events?

Indeed there are questions everywhere on everything. We are looking forward to walking through potential, possible, contradictory answers together in the next work programme and in future Framework Programmes.