WG 2 - Digital Industrial Platforms - Meeting report first meeting on 21 Oct 2016

  • Arian Zwegers profile
    Arian Zwegers
    11 November 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The Working Groups have been launched at the round table of 20/9/2016 by Commissioner Oettinger and are meeting regularly to develop advice at strategic level for the roll-out of Digital Innovation Hubs and for the creation of digital industrial platforms. In particular, Working Group 2 works on "Strengthening Leadership in Digital Technologies and in Digital Industrial Platforms across Value Chains in all Sectors of the Economy".

Working Group 2 had a first kick-off meeting on October 21st, 2016.

Here you can find the report from the meeting, the annexes, and all the presentations discussed during the meeting.