WG 1 - Digital Innovation Hubs - Meeting report first meeting on 20 Oct 2016

  • Anne-Marie Sassen profile
    Anne-Marie Sassen
    3 November 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The WG held a first meeting in Brussels on 20 October 2016. Around 80 representatives from industry (including SMEs), Member States, regions, and social partners attended and addressed a series of questions related to the following questions:

  • What are the needs of industry with respect to digital transformation;

  • How to develop a network of Digital Innovation Hubs in Europe that reflects these needs;

  • Which investments are necessary to successfully build the network of DIHs.

The meeting comprised a series of scene-setter presentations and exchanges of thoughts and ideas in smaller discussion groups.

This Meeting Report and the Executive Summary report presentations and discussion from this first meeting and starts to elaborate ideas for the WG’s draft report. All the presentations can be found here.
