The role of cities in the digital transition of public administrations

  • Andrea Halmos profile
    Andrea Halmos
    6 July 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

The Urban Agenda for the EU was published during the Dutch Presidency on 30 June 2016, with one of the priority themes of the Working Programme on 'Digital Transition': 'The objective is to provide better public services to citizens and create business opportunities. The focus will be on: data collection (including ownership), better use of open data, data management (including the capacity of citizens, Urban Authorities and privacy issues) and digital services (incl. new technologies) and accessibility of digital public services to disabled and elderly citizens (in accordance with international WCAG 2.0 standards).'

Is your urban authority / local public administration active any of these areas? What role can cities play in pursing the objectievs of the eGovernment Action Plan?