Dynamics and effects of climate change

  • Philine Warnke profile
    Philine Warnke
    23 May 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

This topic emerged through a screening of emerging issues in science, technology and society in the context of the FET CSA OBSERVE.



The big picture

The dynamics and effects of climate change are subject to intense research in many disciplines. Researchers worldwide point to the increasing likelihood of yet unknown catastrophic events as well as severe health risks and urge acting now. While some aspects are widely researched and discussed, the OBSERVE screening brought up also less explored aspects such as the rise of wildfires, possible emergence of superstorms and effects on soil bacteria. 

In addition the following current research fronts emerged in this context:

- Effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems: The way oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) is altering the seawater chemistry of the world’s oceans.

- Greenland ice sheet dynamics: The dynamics of Greenland's ice sheet is an increasingly hot topic of research in geosciences.

- Global sea level change: The 42 recent top papers addressing global sea level change are the most highly cited in all geosciences implying that this issue is a major research front in this field.

- Regional climate models: Increasingly climate anomalies happen on a regional scale (e.g. disaster of icy rain and snow in southern China in 2008). Development of models to simulate the regional dynamics of climate change (including on city level) has become an important scientific front in geosciences.

- Model analysis of non-CO2 greenhouse gases: Aerosols and gases other than CO2 (e.g. Methane, sulfur dioxide) have not been thoroughly considered in current climate models. In this context a new research front emerged: shifting timing of plant activities in response to global change.

Sources: Worldwatch Institute, Lancet Commission, Royal Society, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Thomson Reuters 2014 Research Fronts and several;