Role of vibrations of zero vibrations in quantum technologies

  • Vasil Korniienko profile
    Vasil Korniienko
    22 May 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0



Results of our long-term researches demonstrates that the vibration of zero energies (VZE) which sit in a potential hole of matter contain information which defines properties of matter. External VZE which generate external sources are capable to influence this information of matter.

VZE properties cause that electrical machines and any equipment generates them in environment in the increasing volumes. Influence of these VZE causes developing of many diseases, deterioration in ecology, global climate changes, and also growth of number of earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes and threatens to destroy mankind.

Therefore I offer within the program of quantum technologies to provide financing of projects on the following subjects:

1. Development of standards on restriction of VZE and production of devices, equipment which world equipment will allow to carry out these standards;

2. Research of the mechanism of influence of VZE on global changes of ecology, climate, earthquake and activity of volcanoes;

3. Researches of the mechanism of influence of VZE on human health;

4. Development of devices for protection of spaceships against space VZE.