Mixed realities

  • Philine Warnke profile
    Philine Warnke
    20 May 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

This topic emerged through a screening of emerging issues in science, technology and society in the context of the FET CSA OBSERVE.



The big picture

Several sources argue that we are entering the age of multiple realities. Technologies and practices which allow us to experience augmented or virtual reality are extremely prominent in the current discourse: 360 degree videos, advanced vr-gaming, vr-therapy, a real time painting 3D-model translator, vr development tools for animations, paint applications for oculus rift and space experiences. Virtualization and wearable computing devices are expected to combine to create a new wave of social technology. The Oculus Rift already allows users to virtually explore real environments from the perspective of a child, and wearable recording devices are beginning to capture the details of everyday life. Developments like the personal headphones which can filter out unwanted noise point to a world where “reality will be in the eye (and ear) of the beholder”. VR and augmented reality topics are one of the most popular areas on Kickstarter. Science fiction novels envisage nano-cells on the skin that simulate an environment for the body that can be felt, heard and seen. Some observers argue that long term visions for “virtual reality societies” are lacking and several challenges remain.

Source: IFTF, the Economist and several