Magnon Computing

  • Burkard Hillebrands profile
    Burkard Hillebrands
    29 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 35

The big picture: Magnon Computing applies the emerging field of Magnon Spintronics – the use of precessing spin for information transport and processing – jointly with novel means to interface to conventional CMOS technology.

Conventional binary logic based on particles - electrons - occupy large amounts of real estate and dissipate significant power: these disadvantages threaten to limit its ultimate performance. An obvious way to circumvent these issues is via the implementation of a novel logic paradigm based on the use of waves. One of the fruits of the highly active current international research effort into the field of Magnonics is the clear realization that magnonic systems are supremely tailored to the implementation of such wave-based logic: this arises owing to the variety and versatility of wave interference phenomena that it is possible to implement in magnonic systems together with the ready accessibility of nonlinear magnonic wave interactions that lend themselves to sophisticated information processing architectures. These features allow the conception of devices with a much-reduced footprint and power dissipation when compared to conventional binary (CMOS) logic and that can offer very advanced logic capabilities.

The work needed: The fundamental proofs of principle have already been demonstrated in various high-profile publications from European labs that address issues such as magnon conduits, basic logic-gate functionalities, amplification including a magnon transistor, as well as functioning converters for generation and detection of magnons. In addition materials-science issues need to be addressed. The task of downscaling these prototype devices into industrially applicable technologies is overdue, as is the exploration of new directions for future implementations, such as THz and massive parallel computing. Present studies don’t identify any fundamental barriers to technical development.

The opportunity: At the time of writing, Magnon Spintronics has emerged into a highly active field of basic research, but applied research addressing the next steps on the technology readiness level (TRL) scale beyond TRL 3 needs intensive effort. European science research is already heavily invested in Magnon Spintronics, and European groups have accomplished many of the recent breakthroughs in the field. Maintaining and commercially exploiting this strong European competitiveness for the future demands strongly focused and directed efforts.