Exploring magnonics and spin charge conversion

  • Georg Schmidt profile
    Georg Schmidt
    29 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 18

The recent development of spin caloritronics and spin charge conversion has lead to new options for how to use spin currents in electronics, ranging from thermoelectric energy harvesting by using spüin charge conversion to simply detecting magnons and converting them into electrical signals. Also there has been huge progress in the development of thin film ferromagnetic insulators with low damping which may now allow for the fabrication of nanoscale magnonic devices which can easily interface with external electronics via spin charge conversion or inductive effects.

WHile over the past years this area of research was still more related to basic research it is now time to try to increase effects to device relevant levels and to develop and realize concepts for real applications. Although at the moment this is not a real competition in terms of post CMOS or more-than-Moore the field of magnonics holds promises especially as new materials may become available in the future.