Detection of tunnels with hydrocarbons which will rescue a civilization from destruction

  • Vasil Korniienko profile
    Vasil Korniienko
    27 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0



It is known that explosion of a supervolcano of Toba which has happened 73 thousand years ago has caused reduction of number of mankind to 10-20 thousand people. That is the civilization has practically died because together with death of people technologies, knowledge and professional skills have been lost. Descendants of these people for several generations have fallen to the level of a primitive state then revival of a new, present civilization was reckoned.

 Now activity of the Yellowstone supervolcano which explosion is also capable to destroy our civilization grows. Such consequences of explosions of supervolcanoes, and also a set of the found artifacts, to the oldest of which 2,8 billion years, have allowed us to make a hypothesis that on Earth for the reason the set of civilizations has died.

 This hypothesis is confirmed by our method about which help we, in a range of the vibrations of zero energiya (VZE) in space pictures have found about one hundred ancient supervolcanoes. Their characteristic sign is what enters each of these volcanoes till 10-20 breaks-tonnelny on which in them huge volumes of hydrocarbons (HC) migrate. Action of heat of magma and a high pressure in calderas of these supervolcanoes causes chemical reactions with formation of explosives which provide explosions of these volcanoes.

These breaks tunnels originate from Polar fields of HC where, under the influence of space VZE there is a synthesis of HC. Volumes of this synthesis increase under the influence of streams of space VZE which natural protection of Earth doesn't detain. Similar situations could result from any space cataclysms, and also as presently, because of environmental pollution by technogenic VZE. 

At the same time, HC migrate not only in volcanoes, but also in seismically dangerous zones where energy of their explosions fills missing balance of energy which are spent for earthquakes.

We have found out that under London, Paris, Berlin and other cities of the EU meet tunnels on which HC migrate. It demonstrates that supervolcanoes in these parts develop. In them HC will be transformed to explosives which are capable to explode. To prevent their explosions, it is necessary to extract huge volumes of HC in the territory of these cities, and also from tunnels.

However existence of tunnels and migration of HC on them contradicts the theories existing at geologists. Therefore only detection of tunnels search drilling can convince them.

Therefore I suggest to include this subject in the Horizon 2020 program. As a result of her performance tunnels with HC, and also their congestion under the cities will be found. It will confirm our hypothesis and will open a possibility of production of inexhaustible volumes of HC that will prevent death of a civilization. It will prove an origin of energy for explosions of volcanoes and earthquakes that will allow to prevent explosion of the Yellowstone volcano, and also destruction of Japan these cataclysms.