Infrastructure for scientific web services and databases

  • Chris Morris profile
    Chris Morris
    29 February 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

Your experience

EUDAT does a lot to curate files produced by researchers. EGI provides processing resources. However, there is a major activity which has no infrastructural support at present: the development and curation of structured data resources, and the provision of services based on them. These are often relational databases with query interfaces.

Recently I have had a couple of inquiries from projects looking for a permanent home for such resources, after development funding ends. Doing this effectively and securely is hard. But it's not impossible. And having a long term home in mind from the beginning has some benefits.

Your ideas

Best practice for hosting a web service includes automatic end-to-end testing of functionality and availability, mod_security type filtering of requests, fuzz testing for security, and hardening of the server. Doing this properly is beyond the resources (and often the skill set) of most development projects. Providing a shared centre of competence makes this feasible.

These techniques are synergistic. If there are end-to-end tests, then it is possible to update the OS and know whether anything is broken. Fuzz testing goes hand in hand with training a custom request filter; and if this is done while there is still development resource, then the developers can make the service more robust.

A project to set up such a service should be done hand in hand with use cases, development projects in specific research communities.

Anyone interested in collaborating in such work is invited to add a comment.