Europe should give meaning to the rule of law online

  • Alessandra Scic... profile
    Alessandra Scic...
    21 June 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Marietje Schaake
Year of publication: 

"Online, we do not yet have a tradition of the rule of law. We are not certain how to apply existing laws when the internet is used to attack or to repress. In the absence of clear rules that safeguard principles such as fair competition and non-discrimination, big technology companies are filling the vacuum. But the rule of law must retain its meaning in a hyper-connected world, and Europe should pave the way in setting norms that put people’s rights and freedoms first.

The foundations are there: the General Data Protection Regulation; net neutrality enshrined in law and multi-million-euro fines imposed on tech companies for abuse of dominance and competition rules. It is time the EU embraces norm-setting in the digital world as a competitive advantage, and becomes a global leader by developing policies in the public interest beyond the digital single market."

Read the full article from Marietje Schaake, Dutch member of the European Parliament: