Celebration at the French-German border to promote the German Language “Faites de l’allemand”

  • Projet SESAM'GR profile
    Projet SESAM'GR
    6 February 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 10


For the third year in a row the SESAM’GR cross border project is organizing the "Lernfest - Faites de l’allemand” (celebration to promote the German language in the French border region). This year’s celebration it is expected to take place from the 19 - 24 March 2018. This event is organized by the Département de la Moselle (France) and co-financed in the framework of INTERREG VA.



Val-de-Rosselle (Moselle region), French border region to Germany



Presentations and workshops are carried out in French and German. This includes cultural and sportive activities as well as activities which aim to promote career orientation (job fairs, presentation of multilingual study programmes, internships…etc.). The celebration does not only bring together many French and German pupils (3-17 years) and their families from the region but also local and national authorities.



After the success of the first two years, the event will now be carried out for the third time. In 2017, 2.700 students have been mobilized. Both, germanophone and francophone students were able to apply their foreign language skills in a concrete context. Besides the use of a foreign language, the encounter also enhances the student’s intercultural competences and allows a multilingual career orientation. Last but not least, the event promotes the political dialogue on a regional, cross-border level because the students will be interviewing the local politicians.