Bilingualism in the Functional Tri-Border Region AT-HU-SK: Project Start

  • Timea Novak profile
    Timea Novak
    15 April 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1

Although multilingualism is becoming increasingly important in the tri-border region Austria-Hungary-Slovakia, the high demand for kindergarten and primary school attendance across the borders can still not be met. Unfortunately, there is currently no legal frame granting cross-border kindergarten and primary school attendance. The project “Bilingualism in the Functional Tri-Border Region AT-HU-SK” - financed by the B-solutions initiative - aims to analyse the legal frames and to identify the legal and administrative obstacles. The results should serve as a basis for future measures to overcome these obstacles.

On the 3rd of December 2018, the steering group of the project had a very productive kick-off workshop. The participants of Austria, Hungary and Slovakia outlined the strategy, defined the stakeholders and agreed on the next steps.

Project partners are:

  • Office of the Lower Austrian Government, Department of Pre-Schools/Kindergartens and Schools (Austria)
  • Department of Education of Lower Austria (Austria)
  • Department of Education of the Burgenland (Austria)
  • Local Government of County Győr-Moson-Sopron (Hungary)
  • District of Bratislava-Nové Mesto (Slovakia)

/futurium/en/file/project-steering-group-3Project Steering Group

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