Toolkit for practitioners in cross-border cooperation

  • Marianne VAN DE... profile
    Marianne VAN DE...
    10 August 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 5
Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia (ISIG)
Year of publication: 

The Toolkit is intended as an easy-to-use companion for both CBC actors and CBC trainers, targeting CBC practitioners within border areas. The Toolkit was developed within the Leadership Academy Programme (LAP) as a specific training tool, providing trainers and trainees with knowledge, case-studies and exercises focusing on CBC. It is divided into four parts: 1. Becoming a CBC promoter: How leadership skills can improve the CBC process; 2. Understanding the process: Cross-border cooperation; 3. Know your CBC context: Mapping obstacles to find solutions; 4. Know your stakeholders: A participatory approach to implementing CBC.