Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on “Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU border regions” currently under discussion.

  • Fabian Gal profile
    Fabian Gal
    13 April 2018
    Total votes: 3

The European Committee of the Regions will discuss a draft of the opinion on "Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU border regions" on 27 April in its COTER commission and on 4-5 July in its Plenary session.

The opinion comments on the 10 proposals outlined in the EC Communication with the same title and proposes concrete further actions. The document also puts forward a number of practical simplification measures to improve the implementation of European Territorial Cooperation programmes.

Together with the rapporteur, Mr Adam Karacsony we would be happy to receive any feedback and comments on the document to feed into the adoption process.

The document can be found in all EU languages following the below link.
