Kick-off event of the Interreg capitalisation network for Better Governance and Institutional development across borders (TO11)

  • Jörg Mirtl profile
    Jörg Mirtl
    20 February 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Monday, 19 March, 2018 - 12:00 to Tuesday, 20 March, 2018 - 13:00
2 rue du 8 mai 1945
92110 Clichy
Register URL: 


This meeting organised by Interact intends to take stock of programme activities that were undertaken under the thematic objective 11 “enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration” in Interreg and other cooperation activities, such as Macro-regional strategies. The meeting aims at establishing an exchange of experience across cooperation programmes (and others) and their management authorities with regard to the topic mentioned above and thereby lead to a discourse on how cooperation programmes can contribute to capacity development. It also intends to develop the thematic knowledge of participants via the exchange with academia, policy makers, and mainstream policies. In the course of the network’s development, the thematic objective will be broken down into sub-topics in order to enable in-depth discussion.


The Interact Programme has established capitalisation networks dealing with some of the thematic objectives 5 (climate change), 7 (transport), 8-9-10 (inclusive growth), and 11 institutional capacity (TO11). Interreg programmes are a major contribution to the institutional development both in quantitative terms and qualitative terms. They invest into projects that support capacity building. Moreover, cooperation activities and initiatives also support the sustained exchange of experience across borders and thereby the institutional development in a multi-level governance framework. In this respect, it should also be borne in mind that institutional development is a cross-cutting theme and at the same time, institutional capacity can be seen as a pre-condition for project and programme implementation in Regional Policy.


The Interact Capitalisation Plan proposes the following activities for the capitalisation networks:

  • Analysing past and current Interreg results in order to gain insight and improve project practices.
  • Contributing to the shaping of future action and strategies at project, programme and at policy levels.
  • Promoting the re-use and/or transfer of this knowledge and these results, in order to support performance and delivery, future policies and programmes’ developments.
  • Making programmes’ and projects’ achievements more visible, through a broader view (not only limited to priorities).
  • Provide feedback to EU policy makers on how EU support makes a difference in the field and to identify ways to target such support in a better way


Day one

Monday, 19 March 2018


Registration and Welcome Lunch


Welcome and tour de table


Introduction and objectives of the meeting

Jörg Mirtl, Interact Programme


Group work: Project presentations & discussion (Interreg)


Coffee break


Presentation of the b-solutions project

Max Maurenbrecher, European Association for Border Regions


Activities of Urbact in the fields of capacity building and capitalisation

Clémentine Gravier, Urbact Programme


Cross-border multi-level governance – point of view of the Mission Operationelle Transfrontalière (MOT)

Alexandra Lafont, MOT


Introduction to the macro-regional perspective

Claudia Singer, EU Strategy for the Danube Region

Staša Mesec, EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (tbc)


Day two

Tuesday, 20 March 2018


Presentations and Discussion of the Observatory for Public Sector Innovation (OPSI)

Kevin Richman, OECD


Capacity Building across borders - presentation of the ESF PAG platform and options for more transnational cooperation

Vladimir Kvaca, AEIDL


Communication aspects of Interreg projects related to TO11

Ulf Wikström, Interact Programme


Coffee break


Discussion of next steps and operational issues


Conclusion of the meeting


Goodbye lunch