Share your knowledge on cross-border public services (CPS) in your region

  • Simone Göcken profile
    Simone Göcken
    20 February 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 3

The ESPON project cross-border public services has launched a survey to collect an overview of cross-border public service provision in Europe and to collect insights on how these services are provided. The survey seeks to collect data on CPS provision, the main challenges & benefits, governance structure and delivery modes based on insights and perceptions of institutions and organisations providing CPS. Therefore, your response to this survey is crucial. You can participate in the survey by completing the online questionnaire by 15 March 2015.


 The survey is available in 6 languages (English, German, French, Slovenian, Portuguese and Danish).


The survey results will support the ESPON project to highlight potential territorial problems related to CPS provision and to identify future needs in this field. Important outcomes of the study are a comparative picture of CPS provision and their features in the EU and to examine best practices to support future CPS development. The results of the study will be made publicly available in November 2018. Since EU border regions are particularly affected by challenges to ensure affordable public service access, the study is supported by the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).


If you have further questions about the study, please get in touch with Nicolas Rossignol ( Queries to the content and the use of this survey should be sent to Dr Sabine Zillmer ( or Mr Frank Holstein (, responsible for the technical implementation of the study.