SAVE THE DATE – 06.05.2020 The TEIN4Citizens project meets the Citizens Dialogue of the Eurodistrict!

  • Thevenet ANNE profile
    Thevenet ANNE
    19 February 2020 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 2
Date & time: 
Wednesday, 6 May, 2020 - 09:00 to 16:00
European Parliament
Louise Weiss building, 1 Allée du Printemps
67000 Strasbourg


SAVE THE DATE – 06.05.2020


The TEIN4Citizens project meets the Citizens Dialogue of the Eurodistrict!


The TEIN4Citizens project meets the Citizens Dialogue of the Eurodistrict!

This conclusive, one-day forum will be dedicated to the question: What kind of borders citizens of cross-border regions want for the future Europe?

Citizens in border regions often experience in their daily lives the effects of the construction and increasing integration within the European Union in a very concrete way. The opportunities, but also the resulting challenges, are particularly perceived here. The aim of the TEIN4citizens project is therefore to collect the ideas and opinions of citizens in border regions for the future development of Europe.  

However, when trying to overcome an obstacle in a border region, one is often confronted with the question of the distribution of responsibilities. One reason for this is that many political decisions are not taken at local, but at national or European level.

The cooperation is thus organized at the intersection of different levels: from the local level to the European Union. For this reason, the Euro-Institut organizes this event in collaboration with the Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau*

The aim of the "Citizens' Dialogue in the Eurodistrict - Mobility, Environment, Culture, Identity & Multilingualism – a Europe without borders?" is to bring these two approaches together and to find out what expectations and visions the citizens have for the future of their region and Europe. Together, possible solutions will conceived in order to inform the relevant decision-makers, from local elected representatives to the European Commission and the European Parliament.

Have your say!

Come and share your ideas about Europe & your region!


At the Citizens' Dialogue of the Eurodistrict


May 6, 2020, 9:00 to 4:00 p.m.


At the European Parliament in Strasbourg


The schedule of the day

After an introduction to the borders on the Upper Rhine and in Europe, the morning will be devoted to a discussion between citizens and regional elected representatives, including political representatives of the Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict. The following key areas of everyday cross-border life will be debated in thematic groups:

  • Mobility

  • Environment

  • Culture

  • Identity and multilingualism

    Members of the TEIN network will also be represented in the working groups to share their  experiences in other European border regions.

    The afternoon will not only provide an opportunity to present the work carried out in the morning, but also to discuss the issues raised in a panel discussion with local and European political representatives and experts. Questions from citizens will also be answered.

    Finally, a guided tour of the European Parliament (optional) will provide a better understanding of how decisions are taken at European level.

    The citizens' dialogue, which is supported by the INTERREG Civil Society Project and the Europe for Citizens program, will be simultaneously translated into French, German and English.

    What's important?

    • The citizens' dialogue, which is supported by the INTERREG Civil Society Project and the Europe for Citizens program, will be simultaneously translated into French, German and English.