Regulation for the Single Digital Gateway published!

  • Marianne VAN DE... profile
    Marianne VAN DE...
    29 November 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 2

Last week in the Official Journal of the European Union the Regulation establishing the single digital gateway was published! The gateway will facilitate the online access to information, administrative procedures and assistance services needed for citizens and businesses when having activities in another member state. To assist the user all this will be provided through one single access point. Feedback on the user-friendliness, quality and adequateness will be monitored. Additionally, from December 2020, users will be able to provide information on specific obstacles encountered when accessing the single market which could be used to improve policy making.  The gateway is particularly of interest for stakeholders in border regions where activities in another EU country  are  quite regular. Check out the single digital gateway page to know more about the background,the timetable, accessibility and possibilities!