NANOTRANSMED – INTERREG project about innovations in nanomedicine

  • Charlotte Raoul profile
    Charlotte Raoul
    26 March 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 2


NANOTRANSMED (2016-2019) is a cooperation project implemented by 8 laboratories from the Upper Rhine Region, for a total budget of 4 590 853,50 € including 1 978 559 € from ERDF and 633 735,50 € from the 5 Swiss partners. NANOTRANSMED enables French, German and Swiss scientists to cooperate on improving patients’ care by early diagnosis of diseases, personalized treatment and solutions to fight against nosocomial (healthcare-associated) infections.

The scientists of the NANOTRANSMED consortium rely on a “multifunctional” approach, based on the cooperative dendritic materials technology. The aim is to graft polyvalent branched molecules – dendrimers – on a substrate in order to create multi-functional nano-objects or surfaces. These dendritic molecules can be synthetized in a controlled and iterative manner. Moreover, their architecture can easily be tuned to solve different issues as regards to biocompatibility, bioelimination or targeting.

The researchers aim at designing, developing and mastering biocompatible and innovative nano-objects (circulating probes or implant coatings) by conferring them i) specific dual-targeting capacities, ii) antibacterial properties, iii) enhanced in vivo stability, iv) furtivity and v) reduced toxicity.

The objectives of the project in terms of improved patients’ care thanks to nanomedicine are the following:

  • Establish an early, fast and reliable diagnosis by improving the targeting efficiency of imaging probes to diagnose diseases such as cancer or inflammation
  • Deliver a personalized treatment, by the development of theranostic nano-objects, i. e. capable of combining efficiently targeted treatment and therapy monitored by imaging,
  • To fight nosocomial infections linked to invasive interventions requiring a medical device (catheter, probes, vascular or cardiac implants …). Many implants must display smart antibacterial surfaces to avoid microbial colonization.

These new probes and implant coatings will be directly used at the end of the project by the Hospitals of Basel and Freiburg associated to this project and conducting preclinical studies, as well as by any company, biotech or equipment supplier in the field of diagnosis and therapy or implantology (valves, pacemakers, cardiac defibrillators).

NANOTRANSMED is an INTERREG V Upper Rhine project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

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