EUREGHA's Thematic network "Healthcare in cross-border Regions" - Conference and 2-days study visit

  • Gaia Ialisa Marotta profile
    Gaia Ialisa Marotta
    8 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 2

EUREGHA and Healthacross would like to invite all the interested stakeholders in the Thematic network “Healthcare in cross-border Regions” to a 2-days study visit in Lower Austria.

The Thematic networks are collaborative network that brings together different stakeholder organisations to produce joint statements on health related developments. The network is hosted on the EU health policy platform and supported by DG SANTE.

The “Healthcare in cross-border regions” thematic network , led by EUREGHA and Healthacross, aims to support the European Commission in its exercise of mapping and building cross-border and regional cooperation in healthcare through the identification of  crucial challenges and successful existing experiences to be scaled up.

You can register and join the platform at the following address:

Herewith more information on our study visit.

On Wednesday 13th of March in the Landhaus St. Pölten, Lower Austria,  we will debate with experts and delegates of the European Institutions four possible topics of our future Joint statement:

   -    Outpatient care

   -    Innovation in model of healthcare

   -    eHealth and data collection   

   -    Governance and public services

On the 14th of March we will visit the Hospital of Melk and learn more about the two projects “Unlimited Health Together” and “Bridges for Birth

For those who can stay longer on the 15th of March we will visit the Hospital of Gmünd and discover the “Healthacross for future” project.

If you would like to participate, please find below the agenda and details and get in touch with us for further information

Let’s build together our vision for the healthcare cross-border cooperation of the future.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Lower Austria!


For further information:

  -     Agenda

  -     Info Pack Lower Austria