Les coopérations de proximité dans l'Arc jurassien franco-suisse : Un enjeu de la cohésion sociale transfrontalière

  • Birgit SANDU GOCIU profile
    Birgit SANDU GOCIU
    12 July 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 1
Moine A.
Year of publication: 

The objective of this article is to give a report of small-scale cooperation projects that developped on each side of the French-Swiss border in the Jura Arc. A survey realized by the "Forum Transfrontalier" (FT) in 2015 and 2016 unveiled 80 proximity cooperations and interviewed half of these. The article aims at reporting these projects of cooperation, their unequal spatial repartition, the means that they use, and the needs that expressed the project leaders; in order to shed light on these discreet projects but that carry a real way of developping cross-border social cohesion.