Why we land in the disinformation trap

  • Cristina Jamschek profile
    Cristina Jamschek
    2 March 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Sunday, 24 March, 2019 - 10:00 to 12:00
Apollo111 Barul
23-25 Ion Brezoianu Street
10131 Bucuresti

A fat rat gets cut in a storm drain. 8 firefighters and a vet come to rescue it. Tens of publications take up and spread the news. Readers write tens of thousands of comments. Why? 

Ioana Avadani, President of the Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ) will analyse the story and will build the context to talk about why we become victims of disinformation. 

We will talk about the overarching "fake news", its big sister disinformation, and why correct information is necessary, but not enough. We will find out why we are tempted to believe certain things and reject others. 

And finally, we will question the public's role and responsibility in intercepting and disseminating disinformation.  

The workshop is part of #Zilele SuperScrieri#3, an event organized by the Friends for Friends Foundation in Romania.