What is fake news? Educational materials prepared by National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH), Hungary

  • Veronika Pelle profile
    Veronika Pelle
    28 March 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0

On the occasion of the European Media Literacy Week, organized by the European Commission between 18 and 22 March 2019, the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) and its media literacy education centres Bűvösvölgy (Magic Valley) are focusing on the struggle against fake news: they assembled infographics and relevant lesson plans about fake news, which are suitable for use at schools.

To expand the educational potential of the topic, the educators of Magic Valley — in cooperation with the fact-checking site Urbanlegends.hu — have prepared educational aids for the youth to enable a more in-depth understanding of the subject, by processing it either at home or at school. The lesson plans are adjusted to three age brackets — 10-13-year olds, 14-16-year olds, and 17-18-year olds —, including five infographics that provide an overview of the types of and motivations for fake news in accordance with various criteria, e.g. what is fake news, how it works, how it can be verified, and what makes a disseminator of news reliable. The site’s content is available for use free of charge, and is advertised by the NMHH’s Facebook campaign and also conveyed to educators.

The campaign’s overall objective is to enable children and adults alike to realize their own vulnerability with the aid of the materials, and to encourage them to gain a more deliberate stance in becoming informed users and news sharers.

Link to the resources in Hungarian: http://buvosvolgy.hu/alhirek/

Further information about the resources in English: http://english.nmhh.hu/article/202183/What_is_fake_news_Educational_materials_have_been_prepared_by_National_Media_and_Infocommunications_Authority_NMHH_for_the_European_Media_Literacy_Week