Spain- Science Truck

  • Jesus Hidalgo profile
    Jesus Hidalgo
    6 March 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Monday, 26 November, 2018 - 13:00
C/ Pintor Velazquez
28100 Alcobendas Madrid
Register URL: 
Science Truck

Science Truck” is an online media program launched in 2018 by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) to fight against misleading information and fake news by promoting scientific and critical thinking and information literacy. This is an innovative, audiovisual and mobile project designed to be broadcasted on digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Its main aim is to provide young people aged between 14 and 18 with tools and data to foster critical thinking through scientific education.

Science Truck takes place in the premises of secondary schools all over Spain, and brings together recognized youtubers on the field of scientific communication, scientists, secondary teachers and students. It aims to build a bridge between innovative scientific communication content and the educational community, with the goal of promoting scientific education and critical thinking to combat misinformation.

It is broadcasted live via streaming, on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. It last one hour and is targeted at young people aged between 14 and 18. Each program is broadcast at a different school with its students as audience. It is a thematic and interactive format that encourages participation among the audience present during the broadcast and the audience of the digital platforms. Engagement and participation is spurred by using the hashtags #sicencetruck1, #sciencetruck2… and tools as Kahoot.

Two scientist and youtubers lead the program. We also have experts in science communication and regular contributors who also have their own YouTube science channels.