Romania - Social media and the effects of public humiliation online

  • Anda Laura Silea profile
    Anda Laura Silea
    27 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 2
Date & time: 
Thursday, 21 March, 2019 - 13:00 to 14:30
Liceul Teoretic Ion Codru Drăgușanu, or. Victoria, Romania - Sala Maria Bârsan - CDI
str 1 Decembrie 1918, nr 8, or. Victoria, România
505700 Victoria

The event consists in organising an workshop that develops the theme of public humiliation as a phenomenon of social media. During the workshop, students aged from 14- 19 years old, learning in Victoria, Romania will learn about safe conduct on Facebook, Instagram and other social media structures. They will analyse the facts revolving around the right of privacy, the right of expression and the effects of public humiliation due to the reaction of other persons posting on the social media networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We will also debate the effects of cyberbulling, sexting and revengeporn as forms of public humiliation, in order for the teenagers to take act of the effects of those actions in their lives.

The event is part of the national program „Teaching media literacy!” organised in collaboration with The Independent Center of Journalism Romania (CJI - Centrul de Jurnalism Independent)