Netherlands - National Media Literacy Conference: 'Everything has an algorithm'

  • Saskia Kuijl profile
    Saskia Kuijl
    1 March 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Wednesday, 27 March, 2019 - 12:00
6717 LM Ede

On wednesday March 27th, the eleventh edition of the National Media Literacy Conference will take place, organized by the National Academy for Media & Society. Several themes will be dicussed: from data detox to digital children's rights. One of the speakers is Paolo Celot (EAVI), who will take care of a plenary presentation about the National MediaCoach Training initiative, which is being introduced in 6 countries with the European Commission's support as a best practice. 


Op woensdag 27 maart vindt voor de elfde keer het Nationaal Mediawijsheid Congres plaats, georganiseerd door de Nationale Academie voor Media en Maatschappij. Meerdere uiteenlopende onderwerpen komen voorbij: van data detox tot digitale kinderrechten. O.a. Paolo Celot (EAVI) vertelt plenair over de Nationale Opleiding MediaCoach die Europees in 6 landen wordt ‘uitgerold’ met steun van de Europese Commissie als best practice.