Media Literacy Spring Camp

  • Mihaela Hendres profile
    Mihaela Hendres
    12 March 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 16 April, 2019 - 14:30 to Friday, 19 April, 2019 - 14:30
releu street

Media Literacy Spring Camp is addressed to a class of students from the ”Emil Racovita” National College, Iasi, Romania, age 12 (6-th grade). During the four days of the camp we will discuss about fake-news (what is it, how to identify it, what to do when we identify it) in  4 sessions of two hours. This is a part of the media literacy project of our school implemented in our school. The projects takes place with the help of the Center for Independent Journalism, Bucharest, Romania  (Project ”Predau educație media! Laboratorul de educație și cultură media”-”I teach media education! Media education and culture laboratory”).