Croatia - Media Literacy Workshops for Children

  • Danijel Labaš profile
    Danijel Labaš
    27 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Wednesday, 20 March, 2019 - 09:45 to 11:30
Osnovna škola Josipa Račića
Srednjaci 30
10000 Zagreb

Društvo za komunikacijsku i medijsku kulturu (Association for Communication and Media Culture) organizes workshops for 1st-grade pupils in Elementary school Josipa Račića in Zagreb. There will be four workshops held. The workshops are organized as part of Djeca medija (Children of the Media) project, Associations main project which is aimed at educating children, parents, and educators in media literacy. 

Workshops will be dealing with topics such as media violence on television, an influence of violent media content, violence in cartoons, comparison of content and violence in "old" and "new" cartoons, giving examples on where to find and how to choose good and educational tv content for children, etc.